We’re in a Sedentary Apocalypse

Welcome, brave souls, to the dawn of the sedentary apocalypse. It's a world where chairs have become our best friends and our worst enemies, and where the remote control has more power than you ever imagined.

Have 3 minutes? Just watch this little video I prepared from my bunker:

The Silent but Deadly Enemy

It sneaks up on you, quieter than a mouse tiptoeing in fuzzy slippers. It's not zombies or rogue robots we're fighting against; it's our own urge to... well, do absolutely nothing. The screens hypnotize, the couches envelop, and before you know it, the most exercise you get is when you're flipping channels or scrolling social media.

A Future More Horrifying Than Pineapple on Pizza

What awaits us, you ask? A future where our spines are as curved as bananas, and where our muscles whimper at the thought of any movement more strenuous than a finger swipe. Dystopia? More like "Desk-topia." Forget meteors and super-volcanoes; our very sofas might just be the end of us.

The sedentary lifestyle brings with it a slew of unwelcome guests: an expanding waistline signaling weight gain, weakened bones reminiscent of overcooked noodles, a foggy mind struggling to navigate through reduced cognitive clarity, fluctuating blood sugar levels akin to a wild roller-coaster, and an overburdened heart at an increased risk of disease, tirelessly playing the same monotonous beat. As we meld into our couches, these silent adversaries steadily take their toll on our wellbeing.

Wakeout - Your Best Defense Against Sedentary Inertia

But fear not! For in the darkest corners of this lazy abyss, a savior emerges: Wakeout! Our beacon of hope in a land dominated by binge-watching and endless scrolling. This isn't just an app; it's a movement (quite literally). Wakeout is your trusty shield and sword against the inertia that modernity so generously provides.

Join us in this epic battle against the sedentary apocalypse. With Wakeout by your side, we'll turn this looming disaster into a humorous anecdote we laugh about over our fit, active dinners. Stand up, stretch out, and let's change our fate—one move at a time.

Subscribe and get:

  • Write-ups on the ills of sedentary behavior that will shock you awake

  • Simple movements and stretches to defend yourself against the comforts of modernity

  • Videos and audios of me, the founder, shouting at you to get up

  • Offers and specials that I might consider sharing with you. Maybe not.

Subscribe and join the movement

Subscribe to Surviving the Sedentary Apocalypse

We're in a sedentary crisis. Since the dawn of humankind, we've been a mobile species. Now, sitting has become our default position, and our minds and bodies are paying the price. We're here to change that with an awesome app, motivation, and education.


I help thousands of people survive the sedentary apocalypse.